Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

By MaryAnn Walsh
1 min read

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

As you prepare Thanksgiving dinner, the enticing aromas will be floating through the kitchen and might prompt your dog to eagerly seek a sample of the delicious meal in the making which prompts the question; Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

 The suitability of turkey for dogs hinges on the cooking method employed. Turkey itself is non-toxic for dogs and is a common ingredient in various commercial dog foods. It boasts protein, riboflavin, and phosphorous. If prepared without salt, fat, or seasonings, plain cooked turkey can serve as a nutritious addition to a dog's diet.

However, during the preparation of Thanksgiving dinner, the turkey skin is typically seasoned, rendering it a hazardous part of the turkey to offer to a dog. The meat is also full of seasonings, usually onions and garlic which can be toxic to dogs. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from giving your dog any portion of the Thanksgiving dinner turkey.

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