Guidelines For Airline Travel With A Pet

While The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has policies regarding pets traveling on airlines they also allow each airline to make the decisions regarding pets traveling in the passenger cabin.
For the airlines that allow pets to travel in the cabin, the FAA considers the pet container to be carry-on baggage and as such all the rules on carry on baggage will apply. The FAA rules on carryon baggage can be found at
- The pet container must be small enough to fit underneath the seat without blocking any person's path to the main aisle of the airplane.
- The pet container must be stowed properly before the last passenger entry door to the airplane is closed in order for the airplane to leave the gate.
- The pet container must remain properly stowed the entire time the airplane is moving on the airport surface, and for takeoff and landing.
- You must follow flight attendant instructions regarding the proper stowage of your pet container.
In addition to following the FAA regulations, most airlines have additional policies and procedures for you to follow to make sure that the flight is comfortable for all passengers on the airplane. These additional procedures may include.
- A limited list of the types of pets that you can bring into the cabin.
- A limit on the number of pets in the cabin
- A limit on the number of pets that may accompany you on the airplane.
- A requirement that your pet be harmless, inoffensive and odorless.
- A requirement that your pet remain in the container for the entire flight.
- A requirement that you be able to produce a recently issued health certificate for your pet.
Policies vary among airlines so contact your airline for their most recent policies